According to me the DLF Hyde parks is the most premium locality of New Chandigarh . It is divided into 3 major areas : R1 , R2 and R3 .
R 1
It has a primary plotting of 350 and 500 square yards .
The central drive ( main road ) is not in continuity with a portion of it being part of the common village land.
It has a few odd sized lots of around 600 square yards .
The commercial market of R1 is the most developed.
The primary plotting includes 350 and 500 square yards with a few odd sized plots .
The central drive (main road )of R2 is one of the best areas in the whole of DLF Hyde parks .
As you enter R2 you will find the community centre , it is an exquisite club with all modern amenities such as gym, sports facilities , restaurant, reading room and an English styled bar.
It is the smallest pocket out of the three .
The distinguishing factor from the above two is that it has 250 square yards plots .